Sunday, December 9, 2012

Presepe barocco napoletano al Metropolitan - Metropolitan Museum of Art baroque Neapolitan creche

Ciao a tutti ! Oggi sono passata al Metropolitan Museum of Art per la mostra sul Bernini, che vi raccomando perche' vi porta nello studio di questo grandissimo artista e vi mostra come sono nate alcune delle sue opere piu belle. Ho avuto anche occasione di fermarmi davanti al tradizionale albero con il presepe barocco Napoletano
(galleria 305)  link qui . Scusate le foto sono fatte malissimo ma la stanza era molto scura, e non si potevano usare i flash! Comunque una scusa in piu per andarlo a vedere di persona no? Inoltre in questi giorni al Metropolitan c'e' anche una mostra speciale di Matisse se vi piacciono gli impressionisti. 
Comunque, l'albero sara' in mostra fino al 6 Gennaio. Potrete anche assistere al Chrsitmas Tree Lighting Ceremonies il Martedi, Giovedi e Domenica alle 4.30pm e Venerdi e Sabato alle 4.30 5.30 e 6.30 pm . Ricordatevi che il costo di entrata e' un contributo volontario (nonostante il prezzario sopra le casse) ma ricordatevi anche che state supportando l'arte che e' patrimonio mondiale. Enjoy!
Hello you all! Today i was at the Metropolitan Museum of Art for the special exhibition of Bernini and its clay modelling work (sorry no pictures about that , they are not allowed and i respect that) How could i miss this, im from Rome and Bernini made quiet few wonders in Rome! I suggest to go to this one i loved it . Anyway, i was walking through and i made few pictures of the Christmas Tree and Neapolitan Baroque Creche (gallery 305) which every year delight locals and tourists. You can enjoy this till January 6th. I apologize for the bad pictures quality: although pictures were allowed in the tree room, the flash was not so they are pretty dark! Well another excuse to go by and see it in person! I'd like to remind you that the entrance fee is a voluntary contribution (give what you can) but also, you are contributing to the conservation of some of the best art of the world so if you can just give. If you cannot , be aware that you are given the chance to enjoy such treasury with your voluntary contribution. Enjoy!

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